What is Dojo? Why is briq migrating to Dojo?
Dojo is a provable game engine built in Cairo which gives tools to build and enhance the composability of onchain games. Now all games built with Dojo can easily integrate anything built with briq!
Build a sword🤺 in Realms, turn it into a gun🔫 to play TheDopeWars or any game integrating briq!
To learn more
Why do we need to migrate?
We cannot simply upgrade the current briq contracts, we need to deploy a lot of new contracts to match the framework provided by Dojo. The migration means that the old assets will be burned and recreated on the new contracts, from scratch.
What new features does the migration give briq?
- Official collections now have their own separate contracts: Starknet Planet👩🚀 and @DucksEverywher2 🦆 will be visible as separate NFT collections on marketplaces like @Element_Market, @UnframedCo, @MarketPyramid, @Flex_strk
- Following the separation of official collections in their particular contract, each collection will also have its own separate booklet collection
- briqs are now fully ERC1155-compatible: your briq balance will show up in your wallet!
- And we’re now fully ready for the Starknet Regenesis since are contracts are written in the latest Cairo version!
How to migrate to the new contracts?
- Official sets, boxes, booklets (StarknetPlanet, briqmas, @DucksEverywher2) will be migrated by the briq team ✅
- briqs will be migrated automatically when you mint/disassemble on briq 🧠
- Original sets need to be migrated through your profile page 👀
- You can migrate them by going on your profile, to
minted sets
page and clicking on migrate
. You also have the option to just disassemble them to get briqs back.
- You can also select all your sets to migrate them all at once.
- You have the choice to either 1) migrate your set entirely or 2) disassemble your set and migrate your briqs.
Video of the migration
briq - Google Chrome 2023-12-06 18-16-36.mp4
- The video shows
- Migrating a single set
- Migrating only the briqs: it will burn the old set and migrate its briqs
- Migrating the set: it will burn the old set and mint a new set
- Migrating several sets through batch actions
- Migrating only the briqs: it will burn the old sets and migrate their briqs
- Migrating the set: it will burn the old sets and mint new sets