<aside> ⛩️ This page will explain what Dojo is, how is briq build using Dojo, and how you can leverage it to expand briq or integrate it!


What is Dojo?


Dojo is an open-source toolchain for building onchain games and autonomous worlds with Cairo, Starknet’s provable language.

It provides tools to build games that run their logic on the blockchain, benefiting from its security and composability. Dojo powers games like TheDopeWars and Realms.



Briq x Dojo architecture


big ass diagram


World contract 0x...
briq ERC1155 Handles briq tokens. briqs have a material, and fungible & NFT briqs may have the same material. The interface is material-based instead of token-id based in an ERC1155.
briq ERC721 sets Handles sets. Essentially a regular ERC721, but handles assembly/disassembly. When assembling, it becomes the owner of the underlying briq tokens, and vice-versa.
Shape contract

Open graphQL API

Building on top of briq

How to build your own collection

How to add an attribute

Using briq in a game

Using a set as a game asset