We're happy to announce that briq is now in alpha version! 🧱

You're now able to claim some briqs and build with them. Head over to the briq builder to start your journey.

What is briq?

briq is an NFT crafting and composability system based on fundamental elements called briqs. briqs can be combined to create more complex structures called sets.


You can mint briqs, build a set with your briqs, transfer your set to someone, disassemble a set to get the briqs back and build something new.

Anything built out of briqs is an NFTs. You can think of briq as NFT building blocks.

What can I do with my briqs?

Go to https://briq.construction/, claim your briqs and start building constructions on the briq builder.


Assemble your briqs to create structures, color the briqs, assemble the set on the blockchain and transfer it to a friend.

If you don't like your construction disassemble it to get the briqs back and build something new.

Your briqs and everything built out of them is yours. You're free to do what you want. We're giving you the means of construction.

What is StarkNet?


StarkNet is a permissionless decentralized ZK-Rollup. It operates as an L2 network over Ethereum. It's like a separate blockchain system that has the same security as Ethereum with much better performance. briq is built on StarkNet for enhanced scalability and performance. You can read more about StarkNet here.